Dippy: The Nation’s Favourite Dinosaur
Written & illustrated by David Mackintosh
(with expert technical advice from the Natural History Museum, London)
published by The Natural History Museum, London. 2022.
32pp jacketed PB picture book.
TPS: 190 x 190mm/Printed 2/2 in 2 spot inks.
Dippy is a Diplodocus (DIP-low-DOCK-us). Dippy was the first of its kind to go on display anywhere in the world when it arrived at the Museum more than a hundred years ago. Since then, Dippy has adventured across the length and breadth of the country.
Waterhouse the Mouse lives in the Museum and thought he knew about everything within its famous walls. Until one day he meets a gigantic bony stranger and a big booming voice...
An illustrated picture book about the famous dinosaur skeleton at the Natural History Museum, London.
Text, design & illustrations © David Mackintosh, 2022.
I made a drawing of the front entrance of the NHM and used this as the basis of many details inside the book. (Oil pencil, kraft paper on tracing paper).
I made an illustration of the skeleton replica from looking at hi resolution photographs the NHM had made, and visits to the museum. My picture is made from kraft paper and oil pencil drawings and numbered so I could put it all back together in the right order. After scanning the parts of the drawing, I composed it all in the computer. I think I got some of it wrong all the same (so much for computers).