Ink compatible…

After months of not using pen and ink, I have been struggling to draw with it. I keep being distracted by what I also like about drawing with pen and ink, and that's the equipment. I have had some of these pen nibs for 10 years or more. And the wooden box for longer.

I had a compass set when I was school that had a velvet interior and shapes for the compass and divider to lie in. Opening this box is a bit like that. I forget what is actually in it until I open it up and discover lots of great things that I've collected. There's a putty rubber I've had since art school.

The ink is really the only thing that needs to be replenished. I am currently favouring BLACK CAT by Blick. Not because it's the best ink, but it has the best bottle. Ink drawing goes hand in hand with procrastination for me. Procrastination and blogging.

ink drawing box 1
ink drawing box 2
ink drawing box 3